
21 May 2014

Bukit Gelugor independent candidate, Abu Backer Sideck today jumped in front of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's car lamenting that the CM had refused to meet him (VIDEO)

Bukit Gelugor independent candidate jumps in front of chief minister’s car, refuses to get up

Bukit Gelugor independent candidate, Abu Backer Sideck Md Zan today jumped in front of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's car as the latter left the state assembly minutes after lamenting that the CM had refused to meet him.
He had refused to get up and had to be taken away in an ambulance, complaining of pain to his side.
The mayhem caused a one kilometer crawl.
The incident occurred at ‎about 2pm when Lim was leaving the state assembly building after having lunch.
Abu Backer had earlier arrived at‎ the state assembly to seek a meeting with Lim over the state of taxi drivers in Penang, but had been refused by an officer, who assured him that an appointment could be made at a later date.
"I am a cand‎idate and he won't see me, what more the rakyat," Abu Backer had said.
He then waited outside the building for Lim to come out and jumped in front of the CM's official car as he exited the state assembly building.

Bukit Gelugor independent candidate jumps in front of chief minister’s car, refuses to get up
Before the incident, Abu Backer told reporters that it was easier to meet state leaders from Barisan Nasional ‎than it was to meet Lim.
"I want to invite him to my ceramah on the hudud ‎law and its implementations this week and talk to him about taxis in Penang."
‎He also claimed that the CM had directed his officers not to allow him use of any halls in the Bukit Gelugor constituency for his gatherings and ceramah.
"I was told by the Air Hitam assemblyman that the halls are fully booked and there won't be any left for me," he said, adding that he will be lodging a report with the Election Commission and police over the matter.
‎Despite pleading with the officers who met him at the entrance, Abu Backer was not allowed into the building.
The angry candidate then burst into a Chinese song, followed by one in Tamil, telling reporters that he was well-versed in four languages and was more than capable to take on Lim in an election.
‎"Suruh Lim Guan Eng balik Melaka lah (Tell Lim Guan Eng to go back to Malacca)," he shouted as he was ushered out.
He, however, did not leave ‎and began hurling abuses when he found out that the DAP candidate for Bukit Gelugor, Ramkarpal Singh was allowed to go in.
"This is a double standard and it is not fair. I will report this to the EC as well," he added. – May 20, 2014.

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