
15 January 2019

Former PM Najib Makes Surprise Visit to Roadside Car Washer whose plight was highlighted Major News Portal FMT

Najib visits roadside carwasher as help pours in
FMT Reporters
-January 14, 2019 6:16 PMNajib Razak with S Sukumarah, his wife M Kanagi (far right) and their two children, at their home in Padang Jawa, Shah Alam.

SHAH ALAM: The plight of a roadside carwasher whose daily struggle to feed his family was highlighted by FMT today has drawn sympathy from individuals and companies, many of whom have offered to help them.

Among them is none other than former prime minister Najib Razak, who personally visited S Sukumarah, his wife and two children at their dilapidated home in Padang Jawa in the outskirts of Shah Alam.

Najib spent time talking to the family, and later wrote on Facebook that he was disturbed after reading about their plight, including how they were forced to live at a bus stop not long ago.

“I am no longer a prime minister and I cannot instruct government agencies to help.

“But I am an MP and earn a little from the Parliament. I know my small contribution will not be able to fully help him, but I hope what little I gave can help alleviate their suffering,” he said in a Facebook post later.

Najib, the first politician to visit Sukumarah, had to use a motorcycle to reach his home because the path was too narrow.

Sukumarah, his wife M Kanagi, daughter Sarmini and son Hariaran were excited to see him and his entourage.

“I read about your story on social media and I want to help,” said Najib upon entering the house, bringing Sukumarah and Kanagi close to tears.

The couple shared with Najib the struggles they have faced. Kanagi was seen wiping tears away as she told Najib they could not afford the preschool fees for Hariaran, their youngest child.

She said they planned to send the boy to a preschool nearby.

“The fees are expensive, as much as RM480, we cannot afford it,” she said.

Before leaving, Najib said more assistance would be given to the family, including paying for Hariaran’s preschool fees.

“Umno Shah Alam will take care of everything,” he said.

Sukumarah told FMT after the visit the response he had received so far had been overwhelming, with people donating food and money.

“The other day (after his story first went viral), someone came looking for me to wash his car. He bought me KFC and gave me extra money for my children,” he said.

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