Tharanya Arumugam
New Straits Times27 July 2018
SHAH ALAM: PKR’s candidate for the Sungai Kandis by-election, Mohd Zawawi Ahmad Mughni, has denied allegations that he supported a Tabung Harapan fundraising dinner yesterday which featured belly dancers.
He said the programme was organised by a third party, and not the government, PKR or himself.
“We do not support any event that is against Malay and Islamic values and culture.
“I disagree (with the event) and reprimand the organisers (for not being) more sensitive (towards Malay and Islamic) values,” he said at a press conference here today.
Zawawi was commenting on a video clip uploaded to Barisan Nasional’s (BN) candidate Datuk Lokman Noor Adam’s Instagram account, which shows belly dancers at the event.
The clip was captioned: “What would Ustaz Zawawi’s stand be over Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) decision to invite LGBT dancers to collect donations for Tabung Harapan?
“Can a PH assemblyman go against the prime minister or his deputy? If not, leave the duty to the opposition by voting for Barisan Nasional.”
Separately, an image was circulated on social media suggesting that Zawawi had supported the event. The WhatsApp message depicts Zawawi, accompanied by the sarcastic caption: “Tarian Gelek for Tabung Harapan is not haram due to its good intentions.”
In response, Zawawi has labelled the image fake and called on parties to practice healthy and clean politics that do not merely poison the minds of the people.
“Do not produce fake graphics (and make statements) to make people believe the remarks to garner votes,” he said.
Zawawi called on the rakyat, especially the Islamic community, to hold on to the principle of “tabayun“, which means to double check news or any information received.
“Always check if the news you receive is true or not. Do not take things at face value. Hence, tabayun must be made into a culture to create a harmonious and non-prejudicial society.
“We must remember that fitnah (slander) is more dangerous and can bring greater harm than killing someone. I advise (all) to think of Allah and be God-fearing,” he added.
Zawawi said he will not take legal action against those responsible for making the false accusations, since he has clarified the matter.
“I strongly condemn this. We will issue a statement to deny my involvement in this. Besides, my video clarifying the matter has also been circulated.
“We did not know about this (Tabung Harapan fundraising dinner). Suddenly, the video was uploaded.
“(Lokman’s) friends would have been there at the event from the start. He is a kaki gelek. We have never gone to such places,” he added.
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