The Jalur Gemilang as displayed during the National Day parade Monday. - Bernama
PETALING JAYA: Social media users learned something new Sunday about the Malaysian flag and the proper protocol required when displaying it during parades.
Pictures of the Malaysian flag being "inverted" during the National Day parade Monday surfaced on Facebook, drawing many ill-informed comments.
The picture was making its rounds on Facebook, with users mocking the patriotism of the parade.
However, user Michael Cheang explained the proper protocol involved when parading a national flag.
"No, it is not a mistake, and no one got it wrong.
"When held horizontally in a parade, a flag must move as if it is 'flying' on a flagpole, so in the case of a parade, it is as though it is 'flying' down the street," he said.
"Since it must face the grandstand it is passing, and also cannot be upside down (that's a sign of distress), this is the only way to hold it in a parade," said Cheang.
"It's the same for flags displayed on the side of airplanes."
Another user linked a Communications and Multimedia Ministry's webpage with the guidelines.
"To those who question why our flag was "terbalik" during the Merdeka parade and tried to politicise it, there are guidelines and protocols. Here. Read this," he said, and provided a link to the guidelines.
Those interested can check out the guidelines on parading our Jalur Gemilang at the website here.