Why secret meeting? #CILISOSclickbait Well, we can kinda justify it because….
Luahan hati Timbalan Presiden Umno   1MDB   YouTube
But why is it getting 10,000 views an hour? Well, we’re guessing it’s mainly from some rather startling comments from Muhyiddin himself.

1. “Itu pilihan UMNO. Macam pandai, tapi tak pandai” (0:22)

mahathir umno pandai
When the phonecam starts running, Muhyiddin has already started, although we don’t know for how long. He starts by asking the crowd a question, but because there isn’t an answer, he continues with a joke about the crowd with “muka macam cekodik (cekodoks?). He later repeats this line “You must be intelligent, but also SMA” twice. The pronounciation is very strange. Ros?

2. “Kalau ini tidak diatasi dengan segera, ia akan jadi the last straw on the camel’s back” (0:50)

najib anwar muhyiddin malaysiakini
Malaysia’s party leaders together before GE13 to talk about the possibilities of handover of power.
Things quickly get serious after that, talking about issues that aren’t specified, and saying that they need to be solved quickly. When asked by Datuk Radzi to clarify, he repeats “Inila yang terakhir la. Kalau tidak diselesaikan, inila yang akan membawa kita ke bawah. So kalau tak settle ni, aku yang akan jadi pengarah pilihanraya ini!

3. “Are you going to be the last one that hands over the power to the opposition?” (0:70)

image from Gelombang Rakyat. Not sure when this was taken tho
image from Gelombang Rakyat. Not sure when this was taken tho.
This was a question he claims people keep asking him. “Saya tak boleh jawab“. He then jokes about people asking if he’ll jump. “Jangan pulak masuk PAS“, he jokes. These UMNO meets sure seem fun :)
He then assures the crowd that he won’t leave the ‘leadership’, that he has nothing to hide except fear of God, and that because of that he had responsibilities that he cannot run away from.

4. “So I face the bull! I’m not too sure who the bull is….” (2:02)

muhiyiddin cowboy
Ambik lembu, pegang tanduk dier tu.” These are some of the cute comments we were talking about earlier, which drew laughter from the crowd. Who do you think the bull is, gaiz? ðŸ˜‰

5. “Kalau isu ni tak selesai kita bagi peluang kepada presiden parti, takpe la dia selesai” (2:39)

Finally, he calls out Najib, although not mentioning his name, only as “presiden parti”. He then goes on to say that many people have already voiced out, including “MB” and Zahid who “nak cakap tapi takde masa.”.  He then teases that Zahid will definitely bring it up at the next meeting. More crowd laughter :)
He then tempers it by saying he’s not showing his greatness (“kehebatan saya”), or “kebencian kepada pemimpin saya” (!).
Saya hormat, kerana sebagai manusia… kita kena hormat“.

6. “Sack all those guys, board of 1MDB. Buang mereka!” (3:29)

Halfway through, he starts his tirade about 1MDB. He brings up the shocking RM42 billion figure a few times, with the cameraman even exclaiming… “Fuuuus”. He said that he mentioned this to Najib, that he should sack the guys in the board of 1MDB. At this point, the audience burst out in applause, showing support.
“Buang lah! Pasal mereka yang Perdana Menteri terpaksa menanggung. Kite takde wang lagi.”
At this point, we hear the audience shouting, “Betul! Betul!”, and another person saying, “Sack the president. Sack the president!” To be honest, we’re not sure who this person is referring to – party president, or 1MDB president.

7. “CEO ni… buang. Dan buka saja buang. Panggil polis siasat!” (3:29)

Image via TheStar
Image via TheStar
Muhyiddin’s solution… throw the CEO. It seems Tony Pua agrees as well (somewhere else. Not same conference!). Poor CEO Arul Kanda tho… he just joined 5 months ago.

8. “Ambik tindakan, jadi rakyat tengok, ‘Haa, barulah pimpinan kerajaan rasa bertanggungjawab” (5:45)

Muhyiddin’s Beban Dance
As he was asking for action, Muhyiddin then did this super-cute dance to enhance the point about this “Beban bringing them down”. We wanna call this Muhyiddin’s Beban Dance™. He clearly seemed upset saying if the company were his, he could not imagine waking up to such a debt.

WOW. Muhyiddin is gonna make headlines with this.

And not just for his Beban Dance™.
If this isn’t clear evidence that things are shaking up for Najib in UMNO, we don’t know what is. Second in command and technically the second most powerful person in Malaysia, having the Deputy PM giving his superior a public ‘if-I-were-you’ is not a pretty picture.
Echoing the sentiments of Dr M, who logically has the authority and presence to speak up against his predecessor, Muhyiddin’s statement also received roaring support from the hundred-strong crowd. 
Side note: At one point, we swear we hear someone saying, “We love you lah Tan Sri!” and someone else saying, “We love you? Oh my gawd!” 

But is he really starting a war?

We had varied response from the CILISOS team about the video: some felt that he showed his support for the PM but with some blatant reservations, while some felt like it was ‘testing water’ to see how much (or little) support the party members had for him. Either way, with calls for Najib’s resignation getting louder in recent times, there’s no wondering why or how this could be construed as such.
If anything, it’s relieving to know that more pressure has been put on this multi-billion 1MDB scandal which is tearing out the hairs of the rakyat. This leaked video shows that even the second most powerful man in Malaysia hears our cry for transparency, proper investigations, and a leader who wouldn’t evade the deafening questions of the people.
Dr M has made his point, loud and clear. So has Muhyiddin. The question now is, who’s next?