
13 June 2020

Police nab five more foreigners over fake COVID-19 test results

13/06/2020 03:02 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 -- Police detained five Bangladeshi men in a raid at Jalan Tengkat Tong Shin here on suspicion of falsifying COVID-19 screening test results, said Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Seri Mazlan Lazim.

He said the suspects, aged between 26 and 30, were detained at 11 pm on Tuesday, following the arrest of two Bangladeshi men in a raid carried out along Jalan Alor on June 5.

“All suspects are working as labourers at a construction company in the capital and police also seized five mobile phones and a copy of COVID-19 screening test result,” he said in a statement today.

Mazlan also confirmed that police received three more reports over fake screening test results on Tuesday and Wednesday, from health facilities around Kuala Lumpur after they received calls and e-mails from employers requesting for verification of the documents.

“Upon checking, the hospital and the laboratories noticed that patients’ names stated in the reports were not on their records.

“Even the doctors who were supposedly conducted the screening also did not work at that particular hospitals and laboratories,” he said.

Mazlan said police viewed the matter seriously and were tracking down more suspects and advised employers to verify the test results submitted by the employees with the respective health facilities.

He also urged those with information to channel it to Kuala Lumpur police hotline at 03-2115 9999 or any nearest police station.

Meanwhile, in REMBAU, police, via ‘Ops Benteng’ have identified three hotspots along 20 kilometres stretch of Sungai Linggi and Sungai Timun here, in efforts to curb the entry of illegal immigrants.

Rembau district police chief DSP Anuar Bakri Abdul Salam said, however, it was unclear whether the three hotspots were used for landings of smuggled goods or illegal immigrants.

“Based on our observation there were landing activities detected and we will strengthen our presence in the area,” he said when contacted by Bernama here today.

Members of the public are also asked to provide information on crime related activities to the Rembau district police headquarters at 06-685 1999.


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