
31 March 2020

Movement Control Order defiance: 367 more charged, some jailed, some fined including foreigners

Movement Control Order defiance: 367 more charged, some jailed, some fined including foreigners
31/03/2020 08:47 PM
KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 -- Jogging, apprehending members of the public while impersonating a police officer, and loafing around with friends, were among the violations of the Movement Control Order committed by 367 individuals brought before the Magistrates and Sessions courts in several states today.

The courts imposed jail sentences, as well as fines on the offenders after they pleaded guilty to the offences committed between March 24 and 29 in contravention of the government’s Movement Control Order to contain COVID-19, effective March 18 to April 14.

Among the charges brought against the 367 were obstructing a civil servant in the course of conducting his duty which is an offence under section 186 of the Penal Code which provides for a maximum jail term of two years or a fine of RM10,000 or both, while the offence of impersonating a police officer as charged under section 170 of the same law, carries a penalty of a jail term of up to two years or a fine or both.

The offenders were also charged under Regulation 3(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020, with non-compliance of the Movement Control Order, by moving from one place to another. The provision carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment of six months or a fine of RM1,000 or both.

At the Magistrates Court here, a total of 15 men were charged. These included nine foreigners and two locals who were arrested while jogging on Jalan Mont Kiara and Jalan Desa Kiara here.


Tun Dr.Mahathir & Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah ucapkan Selamat Hari Doktor Sedunia Dalam Satu Video Khas.

Saya dan isteri mengambil kesempatan ini untuk ucapkan Selamat Hari Doktor Sedunia. Tugas Doktor amatlah berat dan merbahaya tetapi kesanggupan mereka sangat dihargai apatah lagi ketika mendepani wabak COVID-19. Juga ucapan terima kasih buat Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Datuk Noor Hisham Abdullah atas kerja kuat beliau dalam usaha menangani wabak ini.

Selamat Hari Doktor Sedunia.

Netizen Kecam Vivy Yusof & Aleeya Zailan , Azar Azmi Putus Tunang, Amy Undur Diri dari SEARCH, SENIMAN Demand Duit Bantuan | Budiey Channel

Budiey Channel- A good channel for updates in the Entertainment Industry

UAE Donates Medical Equipment & Supplies to Malaysia for frontliners


LIVE Sidang Media Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Ketua Polis Negara

#Covid-19 Malaysia Update: New Cases-140 , Total Cases-2766 , ICU-94 (Ventilator -60), Discharged - 58 Total Discharged- 537 Deaths-6 Total Deaths - 43

#Covid-19 Malaysia Update: 
New Cases-140 , 
Total Cases-2766 ,
 ICU-94 (Ventilator -60), 
Discharged - 58 Total Discharged- 537 
Deaths-6  Total Deaths - 43

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 31 May 2020 – Situasi Semasa Jangkitan Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) di Malaysia

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat 58 kes yang telah pulih dan dibenarkan discaj pada hari ini. Ini menjadikan jumlah kumulatif kes yang telah pulih sepenuhnya dari COVID-19 dan telah discaj daripada wad adalah sebanyak 537 kes (19.4 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes).
Sehingga 31 Mac 2020 pukul 12:00 tengah hari, terdapat 140 kes baharu yang telah dilaporkan. Ini menjadikan jumlah kes positif COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 2,766 kes.
Sehingga kini, seramai 94 kes positif COVID-19 sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU). Daripada jumlah tersebut, 60 kes memerlukan bantuan pernafasan.
Daripada maklumat terkini yang dilaporkan ke Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) Kebangsaan, dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa sehingga kini terdapat pertambahan enam (6) lagi kes kematian berkaitan COVID-19. Justeru, jumlah kumulatif kes kematian COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 43 kes (1.55 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes):
  • Kes kematian ke-38 (kes ke-2269) merupakan perempuan warganegara Malaysia berumur 48 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit darah tinggi. Beliau merupakan kontak kepada kes ke-2750. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Negeri Sembilan pada 25 Mac 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 30 Mac 2020 jam 4.04 petang.
  • Kes kematian ke-39 (kes ke-2626) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 69 tahun yang mempunyai latar belakang penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi. Beliau mempunyai sejarah perjalanan ke negara Arab Saudi. Beliau telah meninggal dunia pada 27 Mac 2020 di rumah beliau dan jenazah beliau dibawa ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
  • Kes kematian ke-40 (kes ke-2627) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 69 tahun yang mempunyai latar belakang penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Enche’ Besar Hajjah Khalsom, Johor. Beliau disahkan meninggal dunia pada 26 Mac 2020 jam 1:03 petang.
  • Kes kematian ke-41 (kes ke-1275) merupakan lelaki warganegara Indonesia berumur 40 tahun. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Umum Sarawak pada 20 Mac 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 31 Mac 2020 jam 1.38 pagi.
  • Kes kematian ke-42 (kes ke-2628) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 81 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit jantung. Beliau telah dirawat di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya pada 27 Mac 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 31 Mac 2020 jam 7.09 pagi.
  • Kes kematian ke-43 (kes ke-2629) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 73 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit kencing manis dan penyakit jantung. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang pada 29 Mac 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 30 Mac 2020 jam 4.30 petang.
KKM mengucapkan takziah kepada ahli keluarga mereka. 
Setelah dua minggu pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP), kita dapat melihat tren jumlah kes baharu yang dilaporkan setiap hari (Lampiran 2). Didapati jumlah kes harian terus meningkat dan kadang kala mendatar, manakala jumlah kes harian yang didiscaj dari wad meningkat saban hari. Data ini menunjukkan kesan daripada aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh KKM dan pelbagai agensi dalam tempoh satu bulan kebelakangan ini. Namun begitu, tempoh dua minggu yang seterusnya adalah mustahak, di mana ia akan menentukan samada tindakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan setakat ini memberi impak yang diharapkan. Ini sememangnya berkait rapat dengan tingkah laku masyarakat dalam mematuhi Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan ini.
Statistik juga menunjukkan terdapat dua (2) kumpulan umur masyarakat yang paling tinggi kes positif COVID-19 berbanding kumpulan umur yang lain. Dua kumpulan tersebut adalah dalam lingkungan 26 sehingga 30 tahun dan juga 56 sehingga 60 tahun.
Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) fasa kedua akan mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 2020 sehingga 14 April 2020, manakala beberapa lokasi telah diisytihar sebagai lokasi Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (Enhanced Movement Control Order). Seperti dimaklumkan, tempoh dua minggu akan datang ini adalah amat penting di mana kerjasama semua pihak adalah amat diperlukan bagi memastikan rantaian jangkitan COVID-19 dapat diputuskan.
Justeru, KKM ingin menasihatkan orang ramai untuk duduk di rumah (‘stay at home’) sambil mengamalkan etika kebersihan diri misalnya kerap membasuh tangan dan jarakkan diri (sosial distancing) antara satu sama lain. Sekiranya mempunyai gejala, gunakan penutup hidung dan mulut. Selain itu, orang ramai juga dinasihatkan mengamalkan perkara-perkara berikut;
  • Makan secara sihat dengan menyediakan menu sihat dan seimbang. Kurangkan pengambilan gula, garam dan lemak, manakala lebihkan pengambilan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
  • Jalani gaya hidup yang aktif dengan melakukan aktiviti fizikal ataupun senaman ringan.
  • Bagi mereka yang merokok, gunakan peluang ini untuk berhenti merokok. Bukan perokok pula boleh ‘speak out’ kepada ahli keluarga yang merokok agar semua bebas daripada bahaya rokok dan asap rokok.
  • Pupuk minda yang positif diri sendiri dan juga ahli keluarga. Amalkan teknik relaksasi yang betul dan tenangkan minda dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian.
Sekiranya diperlukan khidmat nasihat, orang awam boleh menghubungi virtual health advisory dari 8.30 pagi hingga 5.00 petang setiap hari dan mengikuti sesi Facebook live KKM dari 10.00 pagi hingga 10.30 pagi dan Facebook live DoctorOnCall dari 3.00 petang hingga 3.30 petang yang akan diadakan dari hari Isnin sehingga Jumaat.
Orang awam juga boleh menghubungi talian CPRC Kebangsaan, KKM. Maklumat lanjut mengenai kejadian COVID-19 di Malaysia boleh juga didapati melalui saluran telegram CPRC Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia;
KKM akan terus memantau perkembangan kejadian jangkitan ini melalui segala maklumat yang diperolehi dan akan dimaklumkan kepada rakyat dari semasa ke semasa.
Sekian, terima kasih.


31 Mac 2020 @ 5.00 petang


WhatsApp Image 2020-03-31 at 4.16.13 PM
Sumber: CPRC Kebangsaan
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-31 at 4.43.20 PM
Sumber: CPRC Kebangsaan




Police become more strict in Petaling Jaya as cases in Selangor on the rise. Shop in your own location!

Woman Who Called Police Stupid Idiot and blamed them for the jam Arrested.

Tan Sri Dr Jemilah Mahmood Appointed as Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia on Public Health

Hukuman denda RM10,000 dan penjara tiga bulan ke atas seorang pembantu kedai atas kesalahan mengeluarkan komunikasi jelik

Mahkamah Sesyen Alor Setar menjatuhkan hukuman denda RM10,000 dan penjara tiga bulan ke atas seorang pembantu kedai atas kesalahan mengeluarkan komunikasi jelik pada 27 Mac lalu.

FT Minister - Ramadan bazaars will be held with better management

Ramadan bazaars will be held with better management - Annuar Musa

31/03/2020 02:12 PM
PUTRAJAYA, March 31 -- The management of Ramadan bazaars in the Federal territories will be modified from this year to prevent congestion at the stalls, said Federal Territories Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa.

He said the ministry will work with the relevant parties on this before making an announcement soon.

“Just because Singapore or other parties have announced that there will be no bazaars this year does not mean we will say the same thing,” he told the media before viewing the disinfection works carried out at shops in Presint 15 here today.

He said the Ramadan bazaars will not be cancelled but will be adjusted as they were needed by the people, especially those living in the cities.

“We have to think of the need of rural folks who do not have the time to cook after returning from work,” he said.

"I want this matter to be looked at as previous Ramadhan bazaars were usually big and spread out, and we probably cannot do the same (this year),” he said.

He added that the Ramadan bazaars this year could be held with up to 50 stalls in any one place, maybe even only 10 stalls which are spaced out and opened in many places.

“Whether the Movement Control Order (MCO) is continued or not, we will not carry on with the old way which could cause health problems,”.

“We have to improve our lifestyle, not just exercise self-discipline during the MCO, there are many things we can learn and continue to practise post-MCO,” he said.


Covid-19 Update from MKN, by Senior Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob | 31 March 2020


Beginning April 3, Malaysians returning from overseas will be taken to quarantine centers immediately for 14 days of monitoring in isolation, no more self isolation at home

165 have been charged for defying MCO. Most were fined , some in Sarawak were jailed between 1-4 months said Senior minister Ismail Sabri . 742 arrested yesterday compared to 828 arrested Sunday .

KKM- Kumpulan pertama pesakit covid 19 daripada hospital bainun sudah pulih dan boleh balik


30 March 2020

Local Manufacture says Face Mask Price too low, will stop output- Ceiling Price @RM0.80 before increase to RM2 in Mid March now @ RM1.50,

BEST FBKL: Government should take action against this company, not long ago in Mid March the ceiling price was 0.80 sen , no one complained, now at RM1.50 they are threatening to  stop production,

Price too low, face mask producer says will stop output
Nicholas Chung
-March 30, 2020 8:12 PM
The new cap on the price of face masks will only benefit importers, says a local manufacturer. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: A local manufacturer has expressed disappointment with the new RM1.50 ceiling price for face masks, saying it will only benefit importers, not domestic producers.

Haminnuddin Hamid, chief executive of Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd, said local manufacturers were disadvantaged because of higher import duties and costs for raw materials compared to finished products.

He told FMT his company will cease its production of face masks once it has used up all its available materials.

“This is simply because it is difficult to get raw materials from overseas as the price keeps increasing,” he said.

Haminnuddin said the company’s current capacity is 18 million pieces a year, and Ideal Healthcare accounts for about 25% of Malaysia’s domestic production.

“We are one of the 5 major manufacturers listed in the domestic trade ministry list before the national shutdown,” he said. The other producers are Medidata Sdn Bhd, Creative Contract Sdn Bhd, Cross Protection Sdn Bhd, and Medipro Sdn Bhd.

On Feb 7, domestic trade minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said manufacturers had been asked to increase production by an extra 400,000 pieces a day.

Face masks are a price-controlled item and the price of 3-ply surgical masks had been set at 80 sen each prior to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Haminnuddin had previously told FMT that material costs for the production of face masks had gone up by more than 600%. He had defended an increase of the ceiling price to RM2, announced by the domestic trade ministry last week.

However, senior minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced today that the price of face masks will be capped at RM1.50 apiece from April 1.

In response, a consumer group has urged that face masks be made an essential item, saying that the new price would prevent traders from taking advantage of the demand and increasing their prices.

Japan agreed with the IOC to open the Olympic Games in Tokyo on July 23, 2021,

30/03/2020 08:27 PM
MOSCOW, March 30 -- Japan agreed with the International Olympic Committee to open the Olympic Games in Tokyo on July 23, 2021, Sputnik news agency quoted NHK broadcaster report on Monday, citing informed sources.

According to the broadcaster, the Paralympic Games will be opened on the next day, July 24, 2021.

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics were previously indefinitely postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.


PM receives cash donations totalling RM4.25 million for #COVID-19 Fund total @ RM14.2 million, The Edge are biggest #donor of Equipment @ RM21 Million

30/03/2020 06:48 PM

Muhyiddin receives cash donations totalling RM4.25 million for COVID-19 Fund
PUTRAJAYA, March 30 -- Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today received cash donations totalling RM4.25 million and medical equipment worth a whooping RM26 million from six corporate entities for the COVID-19 Fund.

Among the companies were Naza Corporation Holdings Sdn Bhd, represented by its group executive chairman SM Nasaruddin SM Nasimuddin, with its cash donation of RM1.25 million; Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad, represented by its executive chairman Tan Sri Rozali Ismail (cash of RM1 million, as well as medical equipment including 28 ventilators and a haemodialysis machine, worth RM5 million); and E-Idaman Sdn Bhd, represented by its director Zaim Husni Omar (cash of RM1 million).

Also Persatuan Pengimport dan Peniaga Kenderaan Melayu Malaysia (Pekema), represented by its president Datuk Zainuddin Abd Rahman (cash of RM500,000); and Leong Hup International Berhad, represented by its group executive chairman Tan Sri Lau Tuang Nguang (cash of RM500,000 and two ventilators).

The Edge Media Group, represented by its chief executive officer Datuk Ho Kay Tat, became the biggest donor of COVID-19 healthcare and medical equipment worth RM21 million.

The COVID-19 Fund was launched on March 11 as part of the government’s effort to help the people affected by the pandemic.

The amount of cash received for the fund so far stood at RM14.2 million.

Kerajaan digesa pertimbang semula cara penyaluran Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) kepada M40 melalui akaun bank


PM TS Muhyiddin visits MAEPS #Covid-19 low-risk patient Quarantine & Treatment Centre

30/03/2020 09:24 PM
SERDANG, March 30 -- Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today visited the Quarantine and Treatment Centre for low-risk COVID-19 patients at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) here.

The prime minister was accompanied by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba, Ministry of Health (MOH) secretary-general Datuk Seri Dr Chen Chaw Min and Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

Muhyiddin, who arrived at the centre at 5.45 pm, spent almost an hour being briefed and touring the centre, which was successfully prepared for operations by various government agencies, under the coordination of the National Disaster Management Agency (Nadma), within three days.

Met after the visit, Dr Adham told reporters that the centre was the brainchild of the prime minister himself to prepare for any possibility of a drastic surge in the number of COVID-19 infections.

“We will treat COVID-19 positive patients who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms here,” he said.

The centre has the capacity to place up to 600 patients at any one time and it will be coordinated by Nadma with the cooperation of the MOH, the Armed Forces, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Civil Defence Force, the Social Welfare Department and the Public Works Department.

Among others, it will provide clinical services, COVID-19 wards, resuscitation areas to stabilise patients during emergencies, as well as ambulance, pharmacy and pathology laboratory services.

Facilities for patients include beds, tables and chairs, lockers, television, lounges, WIFI access, computers, surau, closed-circuit television (CCTV), toilets and baths, changing rooms and rest areas.

For those on duty, there are nurse stations, treatment/resuscitation room, rest areas, changing rooms and baths, including for the ‘donning and doffing’ of personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as meeting and seminar rooms.





Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (PKPD) yang ketiga dikenakan di Menara City One

Covid-19 Malaysia Update: New Cases- 156, Total Cases- 2626, ICU-94, Discharged -91 Total Discharged- 479 Deaths- 3 Total Deaths -37

UPDATE #COVID19 30 Mac 2020.

Kes baru: 156 Jumlah keseluruhan : 2,626 ICU : 94 (62 bantuan alat pernafasan).

Bilangan pesakit yang telah sembuh dan discaj terus meningkat. -91 Bilangan Pesakit Discaj Keseluruhan - 479
Dukacita kematian berlaku tiga lagi kematian menjadikan 37 keseluruhan setakat ini

Kes kematian ke-36 (kes ke-1941) merupakan lelaki warganegara Malaysia berumur 47 tahun.

Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Umum Sarawak pada 23 Mac 2020 dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 30 Mac 2020 jam 8.10 pagi.

Kes kematian ke-37 (kes ke-2471) merupakan wanita tempatan berumur 46 tahun dan mempunyai latar belakang penyakit darah tinggi dan penyakit autoimun. Beliau telah dirawat di Hospital Miri, Sarawak dan disahkan meninggal dunia pada 30 Mac 2020 jam 9.02 pagi.









RM250,000 Hilang Dari Kediaman Syed Saddiq | 30 Mac 2020

Tajuk laporan jatuhkan imej, Syed Saddiq mahu TV3 mohon maaf ...

"RM250,000 yang hilang bukan duit parti Bersatu" - Syed Saddiq
Umavathi Ramayah, Astro Awani | Diterbitkan pada Mac 30, 2020 17:23 MYT

"RM250,000 yang hilang bukan duit parti Bersatu" - Syed Saddiq

Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman meminta orang ramai supaya tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi sehingga siasatan selesai.

KUALA LUMPUR: Sejumlah wang kira-kira RM250,000 yang disimpan dalam peti besi di kediaman bekas Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman dilaporkan hilang.

Bagaimanapun, tiada sebarang kesan umpil pada peti besi itu dikesan selain keadaan rumahnya kemas.

Beliau dalam laporan polis di Balai Polis Sungei Way memaklumkan, kejadian itu hanya disedarinya pada pukul kira-kira 7 malam, Sabtu lalu.

"Kali terakhir saya membuka peti besi simpanan itu adalah pada 13 Mac atau 14 Mac lalu," katanya dalam laporan polis yang tular dalam media sosial hari ini.

Dalam pada itu Syed Saddiq dalam kenyataan meminta orang ramai supaya tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi sehingga siasatan selesai.

Ahli Parlimen Muar itu turut menafikan wang tersebut milik Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Petaling Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal yang mengesahkan kejadian itu berkata, ekoran kejadian itu, polis menahan pembantu rumah Syed Saddiq bagi membantu siasatan.

Menurut beliau, kes siasatan dibuka mengikut Seksyen 380 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara sehingga 10 tahun dan denda, jika sabit kesalahan.

"Bagaimanapun saya tidak dapat mendedahkan banyak maklumat memandangkan pasukan forensik masih menjalankan siasatan," katanya.

MCO: Restaurant. Petrol Stations, Food Deliveries - New business hours 8 AM-8 PM, starting April 1 - Ismail Sabri

30/03/2020 03:30 PM
PUTRAJAYA, March 30 -- All business premises selling essential items including supermarkets and petrol stations are to operate from 8 am to 8 pm under the second phase of the Movement Control Order (MCO) starting April 1.

Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the directive is also applied to stalls and restaurants as well as food delivery service.

“We would like to encourage people to shop online and at the same time try to avoid from having any contact with delivery service people,” he said in a press conference after the Special Ministerial Committee on MCO meeting here today.


- Ceiling Price for Masks reduced to RM1.50

-new restrictions would not affect the public transport system, taxis, and e-hailing services, which will maintain its operating hours from 6am to 10pm

-He advised commercial vehicles delivering or collecting essential goods like food and medicine to do so during the graveyard hours of 7pm to 7am

Doctor Jogger in Viral Video pleads not Guilty for defying MCO

Consultant Cardiologist Dr Ong Hean Teik is pictured arriving at the George Town Court Complex March 30, 2020. — Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

Penang jogger caught defying MCO pleads not guilty

Monday, 30 Mar 202012:08 PM MYT

GEORGE TOWN: A cardiologist has pleaded not guilty to charges of obstructing a public servant from discharging duties in enforcing the movement control order (MCO)that took effect on March 18.

Dr Ong Hean Teik, 61, was charged under Section 186 of the Penal Code, which provides for imprisonment of up to two years, or a maximum fine of RM10,000, or both, if found guilty.

Ong is also charged under rule 3(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020.

On Thursday (March 19), Dr Ong was stopped by Penang Island City Council enforcers for jogging in City Park here and refusing to return home.

Magistrate Jamaliah Abdul Manap set bail at RM8,000 for the first charge and instructed Dr Ong to surrender his passport and report to a police station once a month.

She set bail at RM5,000 for the second charge.

DPP Yazid Mustaqim Roslan prosecuted.

Case mention has been set for June 9.

Malaysian Embassy in Riyadh and Saudia Airlines are working to bring back Malaysians currently stranded in Saudi Arabia.

Embassy, Saudia Airlines to discuss efforts to bring back Malaysians

31/ 3/2020 10:07 AM
KUALA LUMPUR, March 30 -- The Malaysian Embassy in Riyadh and Saudia Airlines are working to bring back Malaysians currently stranded in Saudi Arabia.

In a statement today, the Malaysian Embassy in Riyadh said the airline was trying to determine the number of Malaysians there to arrange for a flight which would bring them home.

It said Malaysians who want to return home are asked to provide their names, passport numbers, telephone numbers as well as the airports they want to leave from (Riyadh or Dammam) through the link

“This is part of the effort by the Embassy and Saudia Airlines to enable Malaysians to return home,” the statement said.

However, Saudia Airlines has not yet decided on the travel date, the cost of flight tickets and the process of purchasing the tickets.

The notice of flight schedule will be announced soon.


Breakdown of #Covid-19 Cases Throughout Malaysia including Top 15 Red Zones as of 29 March 2020




Family of 7 including a Doctor from Teluk Intan Hospital warded together after testing positive for Covid-19

No negativity for this positive family
Monday, 30 Mar 2020

Spirits up: Dr Samsu Ambia and his family posing for a photo in quarantine at the Teluk Intan Hospital.

PETALING JAYA: A family of seven who tested positive for Covid-19, and whose cheerful Tik Tok video went viral, intends to make the best of their time while being quarantined at the Teluk Intan Hospital. It’s already been a week since

the family of Teluk Intan Hospital Emergency and Trauma Department head Dr Samsu

Ambia Ismail had been warded together.

With him are his wife Mazrieni Mahd Zaki, 39, their five children – daughters Erika Syamim (18), Elisya Syamim (15), Edrieba Syamim (13), Eryna Syamim (11) and son Eiman Syamim (8). With each other for company and keeping themselves busy making Tik Tok videos – while keeping up to date on the “outside world” via the Internet – the family has now become a social media sensation for being so upbeat.

Speaking to The Star by phone from the ward, Dr Samsu Ambia and Mazrieni said they hope their family would all be discharged.

“I do not blame anyone and we thank everyone – from the specialist to the odd worker – taking care of us – as every one is a warrior in this battle, ” said Dr Samsu Ambia.

Teluk Intan Hospital is the worst infected hospital in the country with 37 staff having tested positive for Covid-19.

Mazrieni is relieved that her children are all doing fine.

“I hope that we’ll get to go through this as a family and be discharged from the hospital as a family too. “We hope that the Tik Tok video of us that everyone is seeing on

@errikaaaaaaaa becomes an inspiration and helps other patients to feel better and stronger as they battle the virus, ” said the homemaker.

Eldest child Erika said that except for their father, all of them were “fine with mild symptoms”.

Her father, she said, found it hard to swallow and had trouble eating as well as taking his medicine.“It is boring being stuck here but as long as we are together, we can be very ‘happening’ and can have fun.

“I feel bad for those stuck in quarantine and cannot be with their families. I pray those people stay strong.

“For us, even if we feel sickly, the siblings would try to hype the situation to cheer everyone up.

“In here, we can either watch YouTube all day, play games together or fight with each other like what siblings normally do.

“We love making videos. We don’t really post them anywhere except for that one I posted on Twitter, ” she said.

Erika said the family had a routine which included praying and reading the Quran.

She added that the family usually returned to their home state in Kelantan during school holidays but they delayed their return when her father got ill.

She said her father’s first test for Covid-19 was negative.

“After a few more days, he kept getting sick and he did the test again, only to find he was positive.

“Then they tested us and found we were all positive. It wasn’t really a shock to us, as we already expected it, ” said Erika.


FT Minister- Take MCO seriously as Covid-19 cases increasing in KL Sri Petaling currently tops the list with the most cases (Video).

Take MCO seriously as Covid-19 cases are increasing, Annuar Musa warns KL folk


Sunday, 29 Mar 20205:09 PM MYT


KUALA LUMPUR: Covid-19 cases are increasing here and Tan Sri Annuar Musa is appealing to city folk to take the movement control order (MCO) more seriously.

The Federal Territories Minister said there was an upward trend in the number of positive cases being recorded in Kuala Lumpur.

"Areas in Kuala Lumpur have been classified as Covid-19 'red zones' and 'yellow zones'.

"It is not only Lembah Pantai and Titiwangsa that have recorded high cases, but also areas such as the vicinity of Jalan Masjid India.

"We have to take this seriously as an outbreak in a high-density area can cause the number of cases escalate," he said during a press conference that was streamed live on his ministry's Facebook page on Sunday (March 29).

Annuar added Sri Petaling currently tops the list with the most infections, followed by Kampung Baru and Bukit Damansara.

Titiwangsa and Lembah Pantai had been classified as Covid-19 red zones, with 40 cases were recorded in these areas.

"Unfortunately, we still find many people are not complying with the rules and guidelines set in place.

"The police have informed us that they are seeing an increase of vehicles entering the city, congregating in public spaces and even people taking their children out," he said.

The minister acknowledged that it was not easy to practise social distancing, but this was a vital measure to curb the spread of the virus.

"Even I was admonished for not practising effective social distancing during a sanitisation exercise at Sri Petaling yesterday (March 28), and I agree that it could have been done better," he added.

He also said that only the public could break the chain of infection by adhering to the MCO.

On Saturday, a major cleaning and disinfection exercise was carried out in the vicinity of the Sri Petaling Mosque here by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and Alam Flora employees.

The bulk of the Covid-19 cases recorded in the country are from the tabligh cluster, after some 16,000 people – including them 14,500 Malaysians – were at the mosque for a missionary programme from Feb 27 to March 1.

Some 100 workers were on the ground with specialised equipment to sanitise the area following a directive from the National Security Council and Health Ministry.

Tearful farewell when 13-year-old Nuha Syazwan Sakiban who recently tested positive for the #Covid19 had to be taken away for treatment.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin told that he did not observe any violations so far around the Kota Damansara People's Housing Project,

30 Individu Termasuk 2 Remaja ditangkap ingkar #PKP - mengadakan private party di sebuah pangsapuri


29 March 2020

Seramai 37,674 individu telah diambil sampel untuk saringan #COVID19, 10 Makmal lagi ditambah

Pembantu Tadbir KKM positif covid-19 meninggal dunia

Terdapat satu lagi kematian di negara kita akibat #COVID19 menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan setakat ini 35 kematian.

Lion Air plane crashed and caught fire at Ninoy Aquino International Airport on Sunday night, killing all eight people onboard.


8 killed as fire engulfs plane on NAIA runway

Posted at Mar 29 2020 09:22 PM | Updated as of Mar 29 2020 10:18 PM

UPDATED: Lion Air Westwind ambulance aircraft burned on take off in NAIA runway with eight people on board, accdg to sources.

This video was taken March 29 around 8PM

MANILA - Eight were killed as flames engulfed a plane taking off from the Ninoy Aquino
 International Airport on Sunday, authorities confirmed.

The plane, which was on a medical evacuation mission to Haneda, Japan, was carrying 2 passengers
and 6 crew members, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) said in a statement.

The accident happened around 8 p.m. as the plane, identified as a West Wind 24 aircraft, was taking
 off at the end of Runway 24, MIAA said.

MIAA's Fire and Rescue team were immediately dispatched to the site to douse the flames with
chemical foam.

"Unfortunately, no passenger survived the accident," MIAA said.

Authorities have temporarily closed the runway as investigators from the Aircraft Accident
Investigation Board of the Civil Aeronautics Authority of the Philippines determine the cause of the incident, the agency added.

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