
19 October 2021

Government Should Close Timah Liquor Factory - PAS Ulama Council

Timah Liquor

PAS Ulama Council: Govt should close Timah liquor factory


Following the controversy involving the production of Timah brand liquor, PAS Ulama Council has submitted four proposals to the federal government to address the issue, which includes closing down the manufacturing company to prevent the emergence of more new liquor producers.

Earlier in a statement to address the criticism, whiskey maker Timah said the man on its bottle is Captain Tristram Speedy, an English officer during the British colonisation of Malaya, who had introduced whiskey culture back then.

They added that Timah is a local word meaning 'tin'and the name 'Timah Whiskey' harks back to the tin mining era during British Malaya.

Source: KiniTV YouTube

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