
20 April 2020

37-year-old woman delivers baby boy in her car after being caught in a traffic jam on the way to the Tawau Hospital #PKP

20/04/2020 07:42 PM
TAWAU, April 20 -- A 37-year-old woman delivered a baby boy in her car after being caught in a traffic jam on the way to the Tawau Hospital on Saturday.

In the 9.30 am incident, Noziee Abdul Asa was on the way to the hospital with her father, Abdul Asa Mohd Salleh, 65, and her eldest daughter Aisha Maizela, 17, when they were stuck in a jam for more than two hours following two road blocks set up under the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the district.

Abdul Asa, a retired civil servant, said he received a call from his daughter saying that she was having labour pains at about 9.30 am and rushed to pick Noziee and Aisha from their home at the New Housing Project for the Hardcore Poor (PPRT) 8 before proceeding to the hospital.

“On the way, I thought about the traffic jam at Jalan Apas and sought an alternative route using Jalan Tiku, but was again caught in another traffic congestion at a road block in Jalan Kuhara,” he said.

Luckily, an ambulance (with a patient) passed by the same area and Aisha informed them of her mother’s condition and they instructed me to follow behind their vehicle, he said, adding that Noziee safely delivered the 3.4 kilogramme baby boy in the car near the Tawau Hospital gate.

Meanwhile, Noziee wrote on her Facebook account that the baby, her fourth child, had been admitted to another ward after developing breathing problems. Both mother and son are in stable condition.


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