IPOH: Three masked men, using fake pistols, robbed a moneychanger outlet at Jalan Mustafa Al Bakri here of RM2mil in numerous foreign currencies.
Ipoh OCPD Asst Comm Sum Chang Keong said the incident occurred at about 6.45pm on Tuesday when the shop was about to close.
"The three masked men, who were also wearing full-faced helmets, stormed into the shop, held up a security guard and seized his pump gun.
"They then ordered a worker to open the safe in the premises and took all the money," he said, adding that the suspects escaped in a 4WD vehicle.
ACP Sum said police have viewed the CCTV recordings at the premises.
"We also found two fake guns used by the suspects, one inside the shop and another outside.
"The investigation is still ongoing," he said.