
12 December 2021

PBK President Voon Lee Shan Not Detained - MACC

 Voon Lee Shan 

PBK president not detained - MACC


KUCHING, Dec 12 -- The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has refuted claims that it detained Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan earlier this morning.

The MACC said allegations that it had chased after Voon were also not true.

Clarifying the incident today, the MACC said it had tried contacting Voon earlier but only managed to track him down today around Kenyalang Park here, where it explained to Voon that he would have to present himself at its state headquarters to assist in an investigation regarding a video clip shared by him during the 12th Sarawak state election campaigning period, the statement added.

“He was also given a notice of investigation issued under Section 30(1)(a) of the MACC Act 2009 as required by law.

“The MACC only handed the notice for him to cooperate in the investigation. Voon has given his cooperation and presented himself at the MACC office in Kuching this morning to assist in the investigation,” the MACC said in a statement today.

Earlier, a news report stated that Voon had alleged that he was detained by MACC officials this morning while driving his car past Kenyalang Park, when he was told to pull over by another vehicle.

Facebook: Voon Lee Shan

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