This series is to highlight the persons or organizations who have stood out and helped others in this time of calamity with the December 2021 Floods.
With this we hope readers will support their efforts by donating to them Cash or "Stuff "they require.
We recommend you contact them and see how you can compliment their efforts.
We at BEST FBKL Salute You!
Malaysian Heroes (Part 1):
Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya Food Bank has helped all Malaysians in need irrespective of race and religion with Food and Care Packs. Volunteers come from all races!.A true example of what a United Malaysia can do as Keluarga Malaysia!
Presiden Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya, Awtar Singh Terry berkata, bermula dengan hebahan di sosial media, beliau tidak menyangka projek bank makanan yang digerakkan pertubuhan rumah ibadat Sikh ini mendapat sokongan masyarakat pelbagai kaum.
Bekas menteri hal ehwal agama, Dr Zulkifli Mohamad hari ini memuji usaha yang dilakukan oleh Gurudwara Sahib Petaling Jaya, dalam menyediakan usaha bantuan banjir. Dalam lawatannya hari ini, beliau berkata operasi di pusat ibadah penganut Sikh itu sangat bersih, cekap dan profesional.