Thursday, 23 June 2016
Four-year-old run over after shifting SUV into reverse gear
Tragic end: Family members of Jie Lie bidding him farewell at the Khoo Kongsi funeral parlour in Bandar Baru Air Itam.
BALIK PULAU: A four-year-old boy who was left in an SUV with its engine running, died when he was run over by the vehicle in the compound of his house in Teluk Kumbar, near here.
Chu Jie Lie was believed to have climbed over to the driver’s seat and shifted the automatic gear to reverse.
He panicked when the SUV started reversing and jumped out. He was crushed by the moving vehicle.
OCPD Supt Lai Fah Hin said investigations showed that Jia Lie and his six-year-old sister were left in the vehicle by their mother at about 8.30pm on Tuesday.
“He must have panicked when he realised that the car was moving, and opened the door to jump out of the car, which resulted in him being run over,” Supt Lai said when contacted yesterday.
Family members were shocked to discover Jie Lie pinned under a wheel of the car.
His mother rushed him to Balik Pulau Hospital but he died later.
Supt Lai said the boy’s body was sent to the Balik Pulau Hospital where a post-mortem showed that he died of head injuries.
The family later donated Jie Lei’s corneas. A check at the Penang Hospital revealed that the corneas were harvested at about 4am and his family claimed the body at 6am.
The body was later cremated at the Batu Gantung crematorium at about noon.
In an unrelated case, a 58-year-old man died when he lost control of his motorcycle when his machine grazed a Pos Laju truck as he attempted to overtake it at a curve in Jalan Bayan Lepas near Teluk Kumbar.
Daud Maidin D. Abdul Gaffor died on the spot with severe head injuries in the 8pm incident on Tuesday.