Malaysian parody of Bohemian Rhapsody goes viral
Tuesday, 27 Nov 201812:06 PM MYT
PETALING JAYA: A Malaysian parody of the song Bohemian Rhapsody by British rock band Queen has gone viral on social media.
The five-minute song is about the popular mamak restaurants, an integral part of Malaysian culture.
“Mamak, Yang ku tercinta (my favourite), Harga Semua Murah (cheap prices), Makanan juga sedap (the food is also tasty), Mamak, life has just begun,” goes the chorus of the song, which has been viewed more than 11,000 times on YouTube since being uploaded a few days back.
The song creatively makes references to the food commonly found at a mamak and a typical experience of a late night jaunt there.
One YouTube user said the song was the best parody of the year, while another said the song was “pure genius”.
This song comes not long after a Twitter post called “Briyani Rhapsody” featuring a Freddie Mercury look-alike in a local restaurant recently went viral.
Mercury was the flamboyant and eccentric frontman of Queen and with a movie about him - Bohemian Rhapsody - currently playing in cinemas worldwide.
According to a news portal, the movie has rocked the box office, bringing US$50 million (RM209mil) when it debuted in 4,000 theatres in North America.
It also cited that the movie generated a mixed critical response, though audiences have embraced it with a 96 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes.
The movie opened in cinemas nationwide on November 8, 2018.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/11/27/malaysian-parody-of-bohemian-rhapsody-goes-viral/#OEOvrtHAOiAmoxZk.99