
05 December 2015

The BESTFBKL.BLOGSPOT.COM Blog Hit's Another Milestone Getting Over 16 Million Views On Google+ Within A Period Of 29 months

The BESTFBKL.BLOGSPOT.COM  blog hit another milestone yesterday touching over 16 million Views on Google + within a period of 29 months from when it made it's first posting in June, 2013

The blog primarily showcases the best in News, Entertainment, National Security, Sports and Lifestyle in Malaysia and the region..

The blog has been even showcasing the live broadcast of the Malaysian Parliament from the BNBBC feed , During the recent Paris Attacks the blog showcased the live broadcast of France 24 TV to give followers the latest updates on the happenings in Paris. During the recent visit of the US President Barack Obama the blog carried the Live Broadcast of his town hall session with ASEAN youths in Kuala Lumpur.

BESTFBKL broadcasted Live The Town Hall Session of  US President Barack Obama in Kuala Lumpur.

Showcasing the news from Malaysian news portals and sources we want to make sure the Malaysian public especially our followers are kept well informed of the major news happenings. In terms of National Security related stories we want the public to realise that our security forces are among the best in the world and hopefully have a better appreciation of them. In the lifestyle aspect we want to showcase and share only the very best places for our followers to shop, to wine & dine or to be entertained. We showcase some of the best and latest lifestyle trends

In the next few months we will be coming up with a series of stories to highlight the SME businesses run by single mothers. All postings on the blog are highlighted on Facebook and Twitter to reach a bigger audience

If any party would like to do a collaboration with the blog please send your proposal to

To make sure you don't miss any of the posting's please add the BEST FB @ KL Blog to your cirlces on google+ or register your email for email updates.

A big "Thank You" again to those who have been visiting the blog and showing your continued support.

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