
18 May 2024

New COVID-19 wave in Singapore, 25,900 cases reported in a week, masks advisory issued

 Singapore faces new COVID-19 wave, 25,900 cases reported in a week, masks advisory issued

Singapore is experiencing a new wave of COVID-19, as authorities recorded more than 25,900 cases from May 5 to 11. The cases are nearly doubling week-on-week. The government has issued a health advisory asking people to wear masks again

Singapore COVID-19: The estimated number of COVID-19 infections in the week of May 5 to 11 rose to 25,900 – a 90% increase compared with the 13,700 cases in the previous week

The average daily COVID-19 hospitalisations rose to about 250 from 181 the week before, the MOH added.

“We are at the beginning part of the wave where it is steadily rising," said Ong. “So, I would say the wave should peak in the next two to four weeks, which means between mid- and end of June," Singapore daily The Straits Times quoted Health Minister Ong Ye Kung as saying.

The health ministry said that the average daily number of intensive care cases remained low at three compared to two the previous week.

“MOH is closely tracking the trajectory of this wave," the ministry said.

He said there are no plans for social restrictions or other mandatory measures for now, as COVID-19 is treated as an endemic disease in Singapore, and imposing additional measures would be a last resort.

Globally, the predominant COVID-19 variants are still JN.1 and its sub-lineages, including KP.1 and KP.2. Currently, KP.1 and KP.2 account for over two-thirds of cases in Singapore.

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