
19 May 2024

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok received an A4-sized death threat paper with two bullets


Seputeh Member of Parliament, Teresa Kok received an A4-sized death threat paper with two bullets placed in a mailbox at her residence.

According to the DAP Vice Chairman, the incident seemed to make no sense and he even questioned the wrongdoing that had been done to the point of receiving death threats.

"Yesterday when I returned home, I took a letter from the mailbox, but I found an envelope containing a hard object inside.

"While opening the envelope and taking out the contents, I saw there were two bullets and a threatening paper.

"I am really puzzled and don't understand why I received bullet threats and letters like this?" she said in a post on Facebook on Sunday.
Commenting further, according to Teresa, following the incident she has filed a police report for further action.

He said, the police had come to the mailbox section of the condominium to conduct an inspection.

"Following that, I reported to the Petaling Police Station and submitted the letter and ammunition for investigation.

"I am grateful to the police for their swift action after I made a report," she said.

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