Anwar apologises for carnival-like Ramadan event
Published: 26 May 2019, 8:03 pm

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PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has apologised for a carnival-like Ramadan event organised by the party's youth wing.
"We received some objections and expression of regret over a PKR Youth event for Ramadan iftar (breaking fast) with carnival-like events, songs and fireworks.
"I apologise for this oversight," he told a press conference after the PKR leadership council meeting, which was aired live on Facebook.
For Muslims, Ramadan is considered a holy month for prayer and reflection.
Anwar did not provide details on the event but said he had advised PKR Youth on the matter.
"I have given a stern reprimand for PKR Youth to respect the month of Ramadan and not to organise events that are contrary to Islamic tradition.
"The PKR Youth chief said the event was managed by his deputy and I have asked PKR Youth to address this weakness," he said.
On a separate matter, Anwar said the party is waiting on the outcome of the police investigation before it decides on the course of action over the sexual harassment allegation against Sungai Siput MP S Kesavan (photo).

He said at the leadership meeting today, the party also decided that the PKR central leadership and politburo will be tasked with managing the party's election machinery nationwide.
As for Sarawak, Anwar said the election machinery there will be led by Works Minister Baru Bian and he will be backed by a central team comprising Ali Biju, Saifuddin Nasution, Tian Chua and Xavier Jayakumar.
"They will commence their duties as soon as possible to draft a strategy, hold negotiations with component parties and prepare the machinery to ensure an effective direction in the Sarawak election," he said.
Anwar said the PKR leadership also discussed concerns about the US' escalation of confrontation against Iran with a build-up of military assets in the region.
"PKR strongly objects the provocation of the US and demand international institutions particularly the United Nations security council to hold an emergency meeting to deescalate the tension that could lead to war.
"PKR also urged the Malaysian government to make a tougher stance against the US' provocation and threats of war," he said.
Anwar added that PKR hopes the Organisation of Islamic Countries, due to hold a meeting in Mecca on May 31, will also take the same position.