The policeman speeding through traffic in the rain during the 27th Asean Summit.
KUALA LUMPUR: Rain or shine, the duty of a traffic police officer never ceases.
A GoPro video recorded from the view of a traffic policeman, reportedly on duty for the recently concluded 27th Asean Summit, is making its rounds on social media.
The video titled "Kuda Putih Dalam Hujan (White horse in the rain) was uploaded to the Friends of PDRM Facebook page on Thursday and has been viewed 74,645 times at press time.
The camera, which was mounted onto the officer's helmet, captured a motorcade ferrying Asean leaders to their destination in the rain.
The one-and-a half minute video, was credited to Facebook user Khayrol Nizzam, believed to be the traffic officer featured in the recording.
Response to the video has been overwhelmingly positive, with Facebook users praising the officer's dedication and skill.
Facebook user Abam Pejoi congratulated the police officers on duty during the Asean Summit and wished a speedy recovery to those injured in the line of duty.
Zulfadzli Ridzuan posted; "Dalam hujan boleh macam ni punya laju, berani betul polis ni. Kalau aku ride dalam hujan laju macam ni, mau kempis jantung aku, takut tergolek. Tengok video pun dah seram. Respect".
"(Even in the rain, he is riding at this speed. This policeman is really brave. I would have been too afraid to ride at this speed during rain, for fear of falling. I'm terrified just watching this video. Respect)