
30 March 2022

Seven -day toll exemption at the Malaysia -Singapore Borders - PM

Mar 30, 2022 

It involves all types of vehicles passing through the Immigration, Customs, Quarantine and Security Complex at the Sultan Iskandar Building (Johor Causeway) and Tanjung Kupang (Linkedua Highway). - File images

KUALA LUMPUR: The government today agreed to give toll exemption at toll plazas at the Malaysia-Singapore entrance for seven days starting April 1.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri said the toll exemption involved all types of vehicles passing through the Immigration, Customs, Quarantine and Security Complex at the Sultan Iskandar Building (Johor Causeway) and Tanjung Kupang (Linkedua Highway).

"It is in line with the approach to facilitate cross -border travel with Singapore. The exception is for Malaysians and consumers to top up or renew 'Touch and Go' and 'Smart Tag'.
“The granting of this toll exemption involves travel in and out through the two toll plazas involved during the period.

"This decision also takes into account the closure of the Malaysia-Singapore border over the past two years and to ensure smooth traffic at the two toll plazas with the opening of the land border," he said in a statement today.

He added that the exemption was in addition to the Road Charge (CJ) exemption imposed on Singapore-registered private vehicles when entering Malaysia by land at both locations.

He explained that PLUS also estimates that at least 42,000 vehicles will enter Malaysia through the Johor Causeway and Linkedua every day where the toll relief will benefit more than 300,000 Malaysia-Singapore cross-border journeys for vehicle owners.

"Therefore, PLUS in collaboration with the Johor State Government as well as the relevant ministries and agencies are also actively making final preparations to ensure a smooth journey on the highway in conjunction with the reopening.

"It also includes preparations at toll plazas, rest areas and all public facilities provided on the PLUS Highway," he said.

Therefore, he said, the government welcomed the return of Malaysians in Singapore and the arrival of Singaporeans to Malaysia with the reopening of the country's borders.


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