Pusat beli-belah eCurve tutup operasi 31 Mac ini?
Februari 28, 2021

Buat masa ini, tiada pengumuman rasmi dibuat pengurusan eCurve berhubung berita tersebut atau sama ada ia berbentuk sementara bagi tujuan penjenamaan semula. - Foto kredit eCurve
KUALA LUMPUR: Pusat beli-belah, eCurve, dilaporkan bakal menamatkan operasinya secara rasmi di Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya pada penghujung Mac ini.
Menerusi laporan status yang dikongsikan melalui Facebook Malaysia Shopping Mall, eCurve dipercayai bakal menamatkan operasinya pada 31 Mac ini.
Pastinya, berita itu benar-benar menyedihkan khususnya buat mereka yang sering berkunjung ke pusat gaya hidup yang popular dalam kalangan pengunjung yang tinggal di sekitarny
Lapor Malaysia Shopping Mall lagi, rata-rata pemilik premis perniagaan di situ telah mendapat notis secara lisan dari pihak pengurusan pusat beli-belah berkenaan namun masih belum ada surat rasmi mengenainya.
Selain itu, kedai The North Face dan Bratpack juga telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan membuat promosi jualan perpindahan di premis mereka di eCurve.
Namun buat masa ini, tiada pengumuman rasmi dibuat pengurusan eCurve berhubung berita tersebut atau sama ada ia berbentuk sementara bagi tujuan penjenamaan semula.
Persoalan itu bakal terjawab selepas pengumuman yang dijangka dibuat oleh pengurusan eCurve mengenai rancangan jangka panjang mereka sedikit masa lagi.
So shocked after receiving verbal notice from E curve management that this mall going to shut down on 31 March Friends who love to bar hopping and happy hour all no longer taking the curve street as the choice after Sunway Giza, Scott Garden, Setia Walk, Trec KL and many new yam seng area.
Once again stay strong all landlord and tenants, tough time will not last forever, let's stay united and fight thru this
Wait for u to reopen back. And rebranding this mall well
Source: Malaysia Shopping Mall
Hello, friends. No doubt the pandemic has been hard on a lot of businesses over the past year. Be it restaurants, beauty parlour, hair salons or even shopping malls. Sadly, a favourite hang out spot of many since more than 10 years now is bidding farewell.
According to a Facebook post by Malaysia Shopping Mall that has been posted yesterday, it states that the one of the mall tenant has been told by eCurve management that the mall will officially be closing down on 31st March 2021.
Currently, there are still no official announcement on eCurve social media sites regarding the news. However, we managed to make call to Ampang Surperbowl – one of the tenants at eCurve and they have confirmed that the news of eCurve shutting down on 31st March is indeed true. They have also announced on their FB page that their outlet at eCurve is closing down. The North Face and Bratpack have also announced that they’re having a moving out sale at their eCurve outlets.
This is definitely sad news for all. With all the memories at all our favourite spots such as Cathay Cineplax, Royale Ice Skating Rink and more, or just enjoying a meal at one of the many eateries there. There’s still one month left before the building officially closes, so you can still visit your favourite spots one last time (while adhering to SOPs).
What Will You Miss The Most At eCurve?
Unsure whether it’ll rebrand and reopen in the future, but one thing’s for certain is that the existing tenants will be moving out by the end of March. We’ll just have to wait for the official announcement from eCurve management on the plans of eCurve.
Info provided by mall tenant: So shocked after receiving verbal notice from E curve management that this mall going to...
Posted by Malaysia Shopping Mall on Saturday, February 27, 2021