Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 10 Mei 2020 – Situasi Semasa Jangkitan Penyakit Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) di Malaysia
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa terdapat 96 kes yang telah pulih dan dibenarkan discaj pada hari ini. Ini menjadikan jumlah kumulatif kes yang telah pulih sepenuhnya dari COVID-19 dan telah discaj daripada wad adalah sebanyak 5,025 kes (75.5 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes).
Sehingga 10 Mei 2020 pukul 12:00 tengah hari, terdapat 67 kes, baharu yang telah dilaporkan, di mana 49 kes adalah di kalangan bukan warganegara Malaysia. Ini menjadikan jumlah kes positif COVID-19 di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 6,656 kes. Oleh itu, jumlah kes aktif dengan kebolehjangkitan COVID-19 adalah 1,523 kes. Mereka telah diasingkan dan diberi rawatan.
Sehingga kini, seramai 18 kes positif COVID-19 sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU). Daripada jumlah tersebut, 6 kes memerlukan bantuan pernafasan.
Daripada maklumat terkini yang dilaporkan ke Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) Kebangsaan, dimaklumkan bahawa tiada kes kematian berkaitan COVID-19 setakat ini. Justeru, jumlah kumulatif kes kematian COVID-19 di Malaysia kekal sebanyak 108 kes (1.62 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kes).
KKM ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut Nuzul Quran kepada semua umat Islam di Malaysia. Rebutlah peluang ini bersama keluarga di rumah untuk sama-sama menghayati peristiwa bermakna ini.
Sempena sambutan Hari Ibu pada hari ini iaitu 10 Mei 2020 pula, KKM ingin mengucapkan setinggi penghargaan yang tidak terhingga kepada kaum ibu di seluruh Negara.
Tema “Prihatin Keluarga, Hargai Ibu” adalah paling bertepatan bagi menghargai peranan dan pengorbanan semua ibu, terutama sepanjang tempoh negara berusaha membendung wabak COVID-19. Pada masa yang sama, ibu yang bertugas di barisan hadapan dan belakang tabir dalam memerangi COVID-19 juga tidak dilupakan. Keprihatinan dalam mengimbangi tugas dan tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga dan negara amat disanjung tinggi.
Seperti yang diumumkan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri semasa Perutusan Khas beliau sebentar tadi, Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat atau PKPB yang berkuatkuasa sehingga 12 Mei 2020, akan disambung lagi sehingga 9 Jun 2020, iaitu selama empat (4) minggu lagi.
Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri, pelaksanaan PKPB didapati telah berjalan dengan lancar dan teratur. Beberapa sektor ekonomi juga telah mula dibuka. Mereka yang terkandas di kampung halaman atau di tempat-tempat lain, termasuk juga pelajar-pelajar telah mula balik ke rumah masing-masing. Didapati rata-rata peniaga, majikan dan rakyat telah mengambil usaha aktif untuk mematuhi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) yang ditetapkan.
Justeru itu, KKM menyambut baik pengumuman pelanjutan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) sehingga 9 Jun 2020. Ini akan terus memberi ruang kepada Kerajaan dalam memerangi penularan COVID-19 ini sehingga ke tahap yang lebih terkawal, sambil mengimbangi pembukaan sektor-sektor ekonomi secara berhati-hati. Tahap keberkesanan tindakan ini akan dinilai dari semasa ke semasa.
Pihak KKM akan menggiatkan lagi usaha mengurangkan kes positif COVID-19 di Malaysia melalui pengesanan kes aktif (Active Case Detection) dan pendekatan tertumpu (targeted approach) iaitu pengesanan, penyaringan dan ujian ke atas kumpulan sasar yang berisiko tinggi. Tindakan-tindakan ini dapat dijalankan dengan lebih berkesan melalui pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) dan juga Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (PKPD)
KKM mengambil maklum pengumuman oleh YB Menteri Kanan (Kluster Keselamatan), di mana Pasar Jalan Othman di Petaling Jaya, Selangor telah ditempatkan di bawah arahan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (PKPD). Arahan ini dilaksanakan susulan pengesanan 27 kes positif COVID-19 di lokaliti tersebut (termasuk dua (2) kes di luar kawasan ini). Perintah PKPD ini melibatkan tiga (3) zon dan akan berkuatkuasa mulai 10 Mei 2020 hingga 23 Mei 2020.
Setakat ini pelaksananaan aktiviti pendekatan tertumpu (targeted approach) telah menunjukkan impak yang positif dalam mengesan lebih banyak kes COVID-19. Sehingga 10 Mei 2020, KKM telah mengenal pasti beberapa kumpulan sasar seperti berikut:
- Peserta perhimpunan di Seri Petaling dan kontak rapat mereka;
- Pelajar serta kakitangan madrasah dan tahfiz yang berkait rapat dengan perhimpunan di Seri Petaling;
- Rakyat Malaysia yang pulang dari luar negara dan ditempatkan di pusat-pusat kuarantin;
- Anggota kesihatan KKM;
- Penduduk di lokaliti-lokaliti PKPD;
- Pasar Borong Kuala Lumpur (PBKL) dan pasar-pasar yang berkait rapat dengan PBKL;
- Pekerja asing di tapak pembinaan di zon merah; dan
- Rumah jagaan warga emas.
Masyarakat tidak perlu khuatir dengan pengingkatan kes baharu susulan pendekatan tertumpu yang agresif dan proaktif oleh Kerajaan kerana ini menunjukkan keberkesanan aktiviti yang dijalankan ini. Kes-kes yang dikesan ini sememangnya diasingkan dan diberi rawatan di hospital bagi memastikan virus COVID-19 tidak terus menular di kalangan masyarakat.
KKM mohon kerjasama semua peringkat dan lapisan masyarakat dalam memerangi wabak COVID-19. Masyarakat perlu mengambil tanggungjawab sosial (social responsibility) dan mempunyai kawalan kendiri (self-regulation). KKM ingin menasihatkan orang ramai untuk terus mempraktikkan norma baharu dalam kehidupan:
- Patuh kepada PKPB
- Elakkan keluar dari rumah, kecuali untuk urusan-urusan yang penting sahaja
- Mengamalkan jarak sosial selamat (social distancing) sekurang-kurangnya 1 meter dari orang lain
- Mengamalkan tahap kebersihan yang optimum pada setiap masa, seperti kerap mencuci tangan dengan menggunakan air dan sabun.
KKM akan terus memantau perkembangan kejadian jangkitan di dalam negara, dan juga luar negara melalui maklumat yang diperolehi daripada pihak Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Orang ramai akan sentiasa dimaklumkan sebarang perkembangan terkini mengenainya. Begitu juga, KKM akan memastikan langkah pencegahan dan kawalan yang sewajarnya adalah dilaksanakan secara berterusan.
Sekian, terima kasih.
10 Mei 2020 @ 4.30 petang
PERLIS | 0 | 18 |
KEDAH | 0 | 95 |
PULAU PINANG | 0 | 121 |
PERAK | 2 | 255 |
SELANGOR | 8 | 1,604 |
NEGERI SEMBILAN | 45 | 726 |
MELAKA | 0 | 210 |
JOHOR | 0 | 667 |
PAHANG | 2 | 308 |
TERENGGANU | 0 | 110 |
KELANTAN | 0 | 155 |
SABAH | 0 | 317 |
SARAWAK | 1 | 543 |
W.P. KUALA LUMPUR | 9 | 1,423 |
W.P. PUTRAJAYA | 0 | 88 |
W.P. LABUAN | 0 | 16 |
*( ) adalah merujuk kepada kes-kes import
Current Status of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Who Have Recovered
10 May 2020 – The Ministry of Health (MOH) would like to inform that 96 cases have fully recovered and discharged well today. Cumulatively, 5,025 confirmed COVID-19 cases have fully recovered (75.5% of total cumulative cases).
Current Situation of COVID-19 in Malaysia
10 May 2020, 12 pm – A total of 67 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported to the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) MOH today, of which 49 cases are amongst non-Malaysians. Cumulatively there are now 6,656 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Malaysia. Therefore, there are currently 1,523 active and infective COVID-19 cases. They have been isolated and provided treatment.
Currently, 18 confirmed COVID-19 cases are receiving treatment in intensive care units (ICU), and of these, six (6) cases are on ventilation support.
Fortunately, no additional COVID-19 death was reported to the National CPRC MOH today. Cumulatively, there remains 108 COVID-19 deaths in Malaysia (1.62% of total cumulative cases).
Nuzul Quran and Mother’s Day Celebrations
MOH would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims in Malaysia a joyous Nuzul Quran celebration. Take this opportunity with your family at home to share in this meaningful event.
In conjunction with Mother’s Day celebration today, 10 May 2020, MOH would like to express our deepest appreciation to all mothers across the country.
The theme of “Prihatin Keluarga, Hargai Ibu” (can be translated to “a caring family appreciates the mother”) is a fitting tribute to the role and sacrifice of all mothers, especially throughout this time period of the country’s efforts to curb the COVID-19 infection. At the same time, mothers who served as frontliners and behind the scenes in the fight against COVID-19 are also not forgotten. Their care on balancing duties and responsibilities towards families and the country are highly respected.
Extension of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)
As announced by the Prime Minister in his Special Announcement earlier, the current Conditional Movement Control Order or CMCO effective until 12 May 2020 will be extended until 9 June 2020, for another four weeks.
As stated by the Prime Minister, implementation of the CMCO appears to have been smooth and orderly. Several sectors of the economy have also begun to open. Individuals who have been stranded in their hometowns or elsewhere, including students, have started returning home. It was generally found that business owners, employer and the public have taken an active role in complying with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
In this regard, MOH welcomes the announcement of the CMCO extension until 9 June 2020. This will continue to give the Government the opportunity to fight the transmission of the COVID-19 infection to a more manageable level, while carefully balancing the opening of the economic sectors in a cautious manner. The effectiveness of these actions will be evaluated from time to time.
MOH will intensify efforts to reduce the number of COVID-19 positive cases in Malaysia through active case detection and a targeted approach, that includes detection, screening and testing of high-risk populations. These actions can be implemented more effectively through the implementation of the CMCO and the Enforced Movement Control Order (EMCO).
Jalan Othman Market Placed Under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO)
MOH takes note of the announcement by the Senior Minister (Security Cluster), whereby the Jalan Othman Market in Petaling Jaya, Selangor was placed under the EMCO. This directive was implemented following the detection of 27 COVID-19 positive cases in the locality; including two (2) cases outside this area. This EMCO involves three zones and will be effective from 10 May 2020 until 23 May 2020.
The Target Approach Activities Showing Positive Results
So far, the implementation of the targeted approach has shown a positive impact in detecting additional cases of COVID-19. As of 10 May 2020, MOH has identified several target populations, such as:
- Participants of the Seri Petaling gathering, and their close contacts
- Students and staff of the madrasah and tahfiz (religious schools) closely associated with the Seri Petaling gathering
- Malaysians returning from overseas, and being housed in quarantine centres
- MOH healthcare workers (HCWs)
- Residents of EMCO localities or areas
- Pasar Borong (Wholesale Market) Kuala Lumpur (PBKL) and wet markets closely linked to the PBKL
- Foreign workers at construction sites in red zones
- Senior citizen care homes
The public does not need to worry about the additional cases reported following the Government’s aggressive and proactive actions, as this demonstrates the effectiveness of these activities. The cases detected have been isolated and hospitalised to ensure that the COVID-19 virus do not continue to spread in the community.
Health Advisory on COVID-19
MoH seeks the cooperation of all levels of the community in the fight against COVID-19. The public needs to take social responsibility and adopt self-regulation. MOH advises the public to continue practicing the new norms in daily life:
- Comply with the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)
- Avoid leaving the house, except for important matters
- Practice safe social distancing of at least 1 metre away from others
- Maintain optimal levels of hygiene at all times, such as frequent hand washing with water and soap
MOH will continue to monitor the development of the COVID-19 situation, both in the country as well as internationally, based on available information from the World Health Organization (WHO). The public will be continuously updated on the latest information. In addition, MOH will ensure that appropriate preventive and control measures are continuously implemented.
Thank you.
Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah
Director General of Health Malaysia
10 May 2020 @ 4.30 pm
Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Malaysia, by States
(Cumulative, as of 10 May 2020, 12 pm)
State | No. of New Cases *( ) | Cumulative |
Perlis | 0 | 18 |
Kedah | 0 | 95 |
Pulau Pinang | 0 | 121 |
Perak | 2 | 255 |
Selangor | 8 | 1,604 |
Negeri Sembilan | 45 | 726 |
Melaka | 0 | 210 |
Johor | 0 | 667 |
Pahang | 2 | 308 |
Terengganu | 0 | 110 |
Kelantan | 0 | 155 |
Sabah | 0 | 317 |
Sarawak | 1 | 543 |
WP Kuala Lumpur | 9 | 1,423 |
WP Putrajaya | 0 | 88 |
WP Labuan | 0 | 16 |
Total | 67 | 6,656 |
*( ) refers to imported confirmed COVID-19 cases