KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 7, 2015:
Just mention Jalan Pudu in the Klang Valley and everyone knows the place is a paradise for buying cheap goods.
From groceries to homeware, all of these items can be found in Jalan Pudu at a lower price than that offered at a mall or supermarket.
It is no wonder then that the public make a beeline for Jalan Pudu on weekends.
From morning until late night, Jalan Pudu is never devoid of visitors as there is something else going on there after dusk.
It becomes the focus of philandering men who want to satisfy their lust.
The matter being referred to is prostitution, which has flourished there over the years.
Ironically, Jalan Pudu has become so popular because of these activities that it can be regarded as a “mini Hatyai”.
For those who do not know about sin and the retributions in hell, the road becomes the number one spot to satisfy their lust with only having to pay RM30 to RM50 for each “service”.
The prostitutes here are Chinese nationals whose identities are unknown or whether they entered the country legally or otherwise.
Transgenders, commonly known as mak nyah, also carry out vice activities, competing against each other in the pursuit of money.
Surprisingly, the situation is absolutely uncontrollable.
It is understood that the area has been raided many times by the police and Federal Territory’s Islamic Religious Department (Jawi), but soon after, the vice activities return.
A man identified only as Sabirin, 37, said he worked at one of the shops in the building and was fed up with the invitations of Chinese prostitutes who often hang around there.
He said he was always being approached by prostitutes offering him sex openly without showing any fear or embarrassment.
“I have no idea what else to say to them.
“These prostitutes do not seem to fear the law. They offer sex to anyone who is near them,” he told The Rakyat Post while it was surveying the area.
Based on The Rakyat Post’s observation for an hour there, prostitutes would move from person to person to successfully net a prey.
They use seductive tactics, groping customers or allowing their private parts or breasts to be touched by the men.
The question is, how healthy are these prostitutes after being shared among customers comprising foreigners from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia and so on.
Ah Hock, a bike shop employee there, said activities such as prostitution could not be suppressed even though the authorities had conducted many operations.
He said since working in the bike shop for the past 10 years, he had seen more than five raids conducted by the authorities in the evenings.
“This place will only be quiet, at most, for half a month, after which the prostitutes and transgenders will carry on their activities again.
“The prostitutes are protected. If arrested, they will be released and their faces can be seen here again in the next few months.
“I do not want to make accusations, but there may be misconduct among law enforcement personnel to allow those caught to get off scot-free and become immuned to the laws of this country,” he said.
A private sector worker, who refused to be named, said he had seen several teenagers soliciting as prostitutes and also transgenders operating there.
He said prostitutes and transvestites were not choosy about customers, so long as one was tempted and willing to pay.
“I’m sad to see young people, especially young Malays, soliciting as prostitutes and transgenders.
“They are just out for fun without thinking of the consequences of their actions.”