
16 September 2022

PM wishes Happy Malaysia Day, hopes celebration will be catalyst for national unity

 PM wishes Happy Malaysia Day, hopes celebration will be catalyst for national unity


September 16, 2022 PM wishes Happy Malaysia Day, hopes celebration will be catalyst for national unity

Ismail Sabri said today's auspicious Malaysia Day should be the catalyst to further boost the unity, inclusivity, togetherness and blessings of every citizen based on the values of Keluarga Malaysia. - Facebook/Ismail Sabri Yaakob

PM wishes Happy Malaysia Day, hopes celebration will be catalyst for national unity

Ismail Sabri said today's auspicious Malaysia Day should be the catalyst to further boost the unity, inclusivity, togetherness and blessings of every citizen based on the values of Keluarga Malaysia. - Facebook/Ismail Sabri Yaakob

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said today's auspicious Malaysia Day should be the catalyst to further boost the unity, inclusivity, togetherness and blessings of every citizen based on the values of Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family).

In a brief message in conjunction with the day to commemorate the formation of Malaysia, he prayed that the Keluarga Malaysia would continue to uphold the spirit of national integration, loyalty to the King and country as well as that Malaysia would continue to enjoy peace and prosperity.


"I want to wish Happy Malaysia Day 2022 to the whole Keluarga Malaysia wherever you may be... Selamat Hari Malaysia Keluarga Malaysia - Teguh Bersama! (Happy Malaysia Day Malaysian Family - Stronger Together!)," he said in a post on his Facebook page today.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to attend and speak at the national-level Malaysia Day 2022 celebration at Dataran Memorial Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan in Banda Hilir, Melaka tonight.

This is the first time that the national-level celebration will be held on the Peninsula.


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