
05 August 2016

Awkward Moment When Obama Mispronounces Lee Kuan Yew’s Name in front of his son

 That Awkward Moment When Obama Mispronounces Lee Kuan Yew’s Name In Front Of His Son

Uh-Oh-bama! The US President just made a boo-boo at the White House when he greeted Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, on August 2.
Like any human being, Mr. Obama is not spared from mistakes and this time around he fumbled as he addressed the Prime Minister’s late father who is also regarded as Singapore’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew.
“In less than a generation, under the vision and stewardship of Prime Minister Lee Kew, uh, Wan, uh, Lee, Lee Kuan Yew, Singaporeans transformed their nation from third world to first,” he said speaking of Singapore’s development, as he chuckled at his mistake, Washington Times reported.
Mr. Lee’s expression however was priceless as he could be seen trying to keep it together and put on a straight face, briefly looking to the sky, probably humming in his head ‘Oh,well that was awkward’.
Later that night at the State Dinner, Obama toasted to 50 years of US-Singapore relations.
That’s when his second boo-boo came about in the form of a nice gesture as he raised his glass saying: “I propose a toast…to Prime Minister and Mrs. Lee and to the partnership and friendship between our peoples, let’s continue to build something special together.
“Onward Singapore…Majulah Singapura, Onward America…Cheers, Yam Sang (Yam Seng)”.
While some netizens took to social media to criticise the POTUS’ public gaffes, others commended his ‘Singlish’ and appreciated his effort.
Watch both videos below:


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